The law firm of Sussman & Associates, specializing in Real Estate litigation for over 40 years, and for the past fifteen (15) years the face of the Timeshare exit and cancellation industry, announced today that Attorney Juliet Sussman was named co-chair of the Timeshare Litigation Group of AAJ. At the ripe young age of 25, Juliet is one of the youngest co-chairs in the history of American Association for Justice ("AAJ"), formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
The Timeshare Litigation Group is a collective of consumer advocate attorneys across the United States who represent individuals in their goal of being released from their timeshare obligations. Juliet's father, Mitchell Sussman, considered by many to be the "godfather" of timeshare exit litigation recently handed the baton to his daughter Juliet. Ms. Sussman was appointed the position of co-chair in July of 2022 at the Seattle AAJ conference.
The Timeshare Litigation Group assists members investigating and litigating cases against timeshare selective developers. It is well known that certain timeshare developers engage in fraudulent and deceptive practices to induce consumers into purchasing timeshare intervals for tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. After purchase, the consumers cannot rid themselves of the timeshare interest, which frequently carry mortgages, high interest rates, and "in perpetuity" contracts with a lifetime of fees.
According to the American Resort Development Association ("ARDA") the timeshare industry is an $8.1 billion dollarindustry. ARDA purports that 9.9 million households in the United States own a timeshare.
The Timeshare Litigation Group was formed at the 2021 AAJ Spring Meeting by Juliet's co – chair, Panda Kroll. Members have access to the Timeshare Litigation Group Document Library and the Litigation Group list server. Education programs and meetings are held throughout the year.
About Sussman & Associates The law firm of Sussman & Associates has been practicing Real Estate and Bankruptcy Law for over 40 years. Top rated by the BBB it is considered the pre-eminent Timeshare Cancellation Law Firm. Its website educates the public about the pitfalls and hidden dangers prevalent in the timeshare industry.