Sussman & Associates has vast experience and success in litigating and arbitrating various real estate disputes. Just some of the services we offer are listed below. We excel in personally guiding you through these complex legal processes and explaining each step. Whether you need legal advice or action, we are here to represent you and your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Conveying Property
Convey property by gift, will, trust, or via sale.
Fair Housing Act
Fight discrimination under the Fair Housing & Discrimination Act.
Landlord & Tenant
Know your rights and duties and create the proper lease that caters to your needs.
Neighborly disputes could be harmless, or they could rise to level of actionable nuisance.
Property Disputes
Property lines and whether your neighbor can legally interfere with your land.
Deed Drafting
Ensure the deed is properly written and recorded evidencing grantor's intent.
Know when a creditor can foreclose on your assets and ways to avoid foreclosure.
Lease Agreements
Before you enter a lease, make sure it has key elements that uphold your legal rights.
Property rights and duties change depending on ownership.
Water Rights
Know what you can do with the natural water on your property and who can access it.
Creating an easement, changing its nature, or challenging is existence.
Land Sale Contracts
If you need help getting out of a land sales contract, suing on one, or creating one.
Know when a mortgage holder can come after your personal assets.
Property Acquisition
Adverse possession, inheritance under a trust or will, or standard purchases.
How to abide with new zoning regulations or how to apply for a zoning variance.