Gas powered leaf blowers are often used for clearing large areas due to their power and portability. While they are useful, they can also create a large amount of air and noise pollution when in use. For this reason, many cities are enforcing restrictions on the use of gas powered leaf blowers.
Quieter and greener
In Newport Beach, the city has enacted an ordinance prohibiting gas powered leaf blowers in residential neighborhoods (Newport Beach Municipal Code 6.04.040).
This prohibition is only on gas powered leaf blowers, not on electrically powered leaf blowers.
This is because electric leaf blowers produce much less noise and do not cause pollution compared to gas powered models. This ordinance only applies to residential areas and not for areas zoned for commercial use.
Some associations can opt out
While this restriction generally applies citywide, common interest developments of five or more dwelling units can choose to opt out of this restriction.
To do so, the association must submit an application to the city, accompanied by a formal resolution reflecting the association’s collective decision to seek exemption from the ordinance.
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