Planned communities are housing developments where homes, roads, and other features are designed with a central theme. Due to the scope involved, cities impose requirements and procedures for planned communities to be built.

Planned community district procedures
In Newport Beach, Title 20, Chapter 20.56 addresses planned community district procedures.
Unless the city council waives such minimum requirements, minimum acreage for a proposed planned community district are 25 acres of unimproved land or 10 acres of improved land.
Regulated land use
If it is a new development it must comply with authorized zoning code, an approved development plan, and applicable limited term permits.
If the land is already in use, the existing use must be incorporated as part of the approved development plan.
Unless specifically waived or modified by an approved planned community district development plan, planned communities are also regulated by the applicable residential, commercial, industrial, and mixed used districts.
Legal procedures to be followed
In order to get a planned community district plan approved, legal procedures have to be followed.
The application must comply with Chapter 20.50 permit application and filing processing, and Chapter 20.66 Amendments.
The Development Plan may be initiated by either the council, commission, or the property owner(s).
Certain measures of the plan
The plan must contain a land use map, land use tables, development standard, protection measures for landforms and public views, sustainable improvement standards, the relationship between the proposed development and the goals, as well as other things.
Reviewed by directors and public hearings
The plan is then reviewed by directors and public hearings are taken on the proposed plan. An environmental review is to be performed, and a staff report is completed which includes any suggested changes.
Once approved, any changes to the development plan must be approved in the same procedure as the original application.
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