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Home Based Businesses in Newport Beach

Home based businesses have been recognized as a viable means of generating income, offering the distinct advantage of eliminating the need for a commute, thereby saving time and reducing associated expenses. While this sounds ideal, it is not without limitations. Municipal regulations often impose limitations on that location and types of businesses that one may operate from a residential property.

Home Based Business

Multiple limitations

These include prohibiting the display of signage related to the business, requiring that the business be operated by a resident of the premises, and stipulating that any employees, aside from independent contractors who may occasionally visit, must be permanent members of the household.

Must be within the residential structure

Additionally, the business must be conducted solely within the residential structure, excluding the yard, setback area, or any accessory structures on the property.

Furthermore, utility modifications are not permitted for the business, except for communication services such as telephone and internet, and the business must not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond the typical levels for the area.

Prohibitions on the types of activities

In addition to these restrictions, there are prohibitions on the types of activities from being conducted by a home-based business.

These prohibitions include not allowing any unscheduled visitors, any activities related to vehicle repair or storage, the storage of hazardous material, or any activity which is not permitted.


To learn more, contact Newport Beach Real Estate Attorneys today -- Go to or call (800) 233-8521 for a free phone consultation.


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